If you buy everything, even if you don't buy a lot of shares, it will cost a lot of money together. The downside is that when the market plummeted, the funds you could have gradually increased your positions are now taken up and gone.Your idea may be, anyway, if the east is not bright and the west is bright, it won't be a loss. If you think about it the other way around, you may feel terrible. It's not dark in the east and dark in the west, and it will always be dark, especially when the market falls.
If it seems that there are not so many things you like, only one or two, then just hold these two and never settle for it. Especially when you are particularly optimistic and particularly sure, you can hold these two in a heavy position.If you buy everything, even if you don't buy a lot of shares, it will cost a lot of money together. The downside is that when the market plummeted, the funds you could have gradually increased your positions are now taken up and gone.If you buy everything, even if you don't buy a lot of shares, it will cost a lot of money together. The downside is that when the market plummeted, the funds you could have gradually increased your positions are now taken up and gone.
Investing requires time and patience, and making money requires more experience and thinking. Although it is difficult, why do countless people want to come to this xiuluo farm? It is because the rewards are infinite after the accomplishment of positive results. Once the road is clear, you will feel enlightened and enter a state of flow.If it seems that there are not so many things you like, only one or two, then just hold these two and never settle for it. Especially when you are particularly optimistic and particularly sure, you can hold these two in a heavy position.Your idea may be, anyway, if the east is not bright and the west is bright, it won't be a loss. If you think about it the other way around, you may feel terrible. It's not dark in the east and dark in the west, and it will always be dark, especially when the market falls.
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13